18 months before his arrest, Mark was interviewed for a vlog on young entrepreneurs. Looking back at that energetic interview now reveals a young life full of potential.
“Whatever I touch, I want to change something. I want to take things a step further or raise the bar another level”.
Barely 21 years old at the time, Mark reflects:
“You always come across difficulties & blocks in your path. The challenge is finding ways around them, overcoming those problems… The last thing you want to do is say it’s impossible, what makes you think it’s impossible? Work around it. Part of my job is finding solutions to what seems impossible at the start”.
It is this drive in the face of adversity, evident from a young age, that has kept Mark going through setback after setback in his pursuit of justice today:
In these 34 testimonies, written in 2010, Mark’s friends, colleagues, and clients offer their personal insight into his character. Only 3 of these were actually made available at trial. You can scroll through them below, or browse them all together here.
A friend from University
Mark’s Workmate
A friend from University
Mark’s Deskmate
Mark’s Work Colleague
Sami’s Neighbour
Mark’s Work Colleague
For me, Mark is a very talented, very balanced and very genial individual. The pressure we worked under tested people, and he passed. Without his willingness to take his work further, to suggest and innovate, the part of the project we were delivering would not have been such a success. I cannot relate the situation Mark finds himself in with the Mark that I know. My thoughts are with him and I know we will all help him through this in whatever way we can.”
A friend from School
Mark is generous and selfless and goes to great lengths to help people, particularly his friends. I trust Mark absolutely and completely.”
Mark’s Tutor at University
Mark was concerned how he would perform in the exams, given that his work had been severely disrupted in the second Semester of 2008”
Mark’s Schoolmate
A friend from University
A friend from University
A friend from Mark’s gap year
I have absolutely no doubt of Mark’s innocence and can describe the charge of murder as nothing other than completely and utterly ridiculous. It has really hurt me that Mark has had to suffer as he has done over recent months. Mark is an innocent man and I pray that this innocence is proven to allow a son to grieve the loss of his father. Mark is surrounded by hundreds of friends that care so dearly for him; I only wish that it was possible to give more of this support in person that on paper”
Mark’s School Teacher
In all of this, Mark demonstrated ability, intelligence, courage and confidence. The fact that he was entrusted with the responsibility of these performances and that he acquitted himself very well shows his reliability in difficult circumstances. He responded well to the challenges which were given him; behaving at all times with maturity and determination.
I am astonished and extremely sorry that Mark finds himself in his current situation. I cannot believe that the boy whom I knew would be capable of such things”
Mark’s Bereavement Counselor
I have worked with Mark since he came to Bullingdon in February 2010. He was referred to me for bereavement counselling after the death of his father. Mark was experiencing difficulties coping with his grief in prison and coming to terms with his father’s death. He had spent a long time preparing the service for his father’s funeral, writing a moving poem to be read as a eulogy on the day.
He has coped very well under very difficult circumstances. He channels his emotional energy into music and education. He is also supportive of other prisoners, helping them in many ways. Mark’s sentence to date has not been an easy one. Initially, I was very concerned about him. However, after his court case his goal was to clear his name and this remains his objective today. He has dealt with the enormous pressure he faced appropriately and calmly Mark continues to be in a strong relationship with his partner and is visited by her and his friends frequently. Mark works well during the counselling sessions; he is always extremely polite and courteous”
Mark’s Schoolmate
A friend from School
Mark always seemed happy whenever I saw him, he is always full of life and passion, even through these darkest hours he has always been the Mark I know and love whenever I have spoken to him. Mark was someone that I could and still can trust with my life, I am proud to say that. These accusations are quite baffling in my opinion. I was shocked to hear that Mark would not be allowed to attend Sam’s funeral and I was honoured to read out the eulogy that Mark had written for his father [2010]. Many of the village residents were sympathetic towards Mark.
I have always loved and looked up to Mark, he is one of the last people I would ever have expected to be in a situation as unfair and soul destroying as this.”
A friend from University
Mark’s Workmate
I remember him telling me about his girlfriend in Winchester, and organising for me to meet her. I remember thinking no, don’t be silly, I’m handicapped, can’t hear, can’t speak, need help seeing in the dark, surely you’d be embarrassed to be seen with me in front of a new, pretty girl? Mark was having none of that and made every effort for me to meet her. Given this experience, the story of him murdering his dad is nonsense.
I should mention that on the very first day Mark and I met at work, he immediately went on to learn sign language. One of his hallmarks at IBM was the brilliant website he developed called “British Sign Language Portal” which included, at the time, some brilliant inventions. When he left for London it was a big loss. Things seemed to be back to being dull again. There was always the aura about him that brightens up the day. I’ve never seen a charismatic person like Mark going into IT.
Release him, I’d entrust my pets and any children with him knowing full well they’ll be kept very happy under his special care”
Mark’s former Boss
“I recall feeling that Mark had a strong sense of duty to his father. It was clear to me that he cared deeply for him, and devoted a lot of time to looking after his father during his illness, and in particular after his time in hospital [2008].
I have always found Mark to be a very pleasant person, sociable, quick to make new friends and participate actively in social situations. He is intelligent and thoughtful, and has a great sense of humour. He was always careful to ensure he wasn’t taking up too much of my time, recognising that I was busy and being sensitive to that.
He was highly regarded at IBM – clearly a future star that we should nurture, and always extremely popular with friends. He was very popular with the team at Wimbledon and made a good impression. He went to work there for several months in support of the IT systems for the Tennis. Mark is very creative – a great talent that was used to great effect in the work he did.
Mark was highly entrepreneurial – during his law studies he was involved in a number of ventures in emerging internet technologies such as Virtual Worlds and Web 2.0 projects [2009]. These were around providing services to companies, like virtual business meetings. Certainly a visionary! He ran a small company that provided these software services to other companies. He mentioned a few times during his course that he had to very carefully balance his university work with his outside work.
The best words I can use to describe what I thought when I heard Mark had been arrested were: complete disbelief. From everything I know of Mark, the way he cares for people, the way he interacts with people, the efforts he went to in looking after his father during illness, his aspirations for the future, the fact he had everything to live for; there’s no way, to my mind, that he could possibly have murdered his father and disposed of the body.”
A friend from University
Sami’s Neighbour
A friend of Mark’s girlfriend
Being a good friend of his girlfriend, my primary concern was whether he treats her well and is this the right guy for her; and I must say, I could not approve more. The affection, tight bond and mutual respect between the two was apparent at first sight. When SN wasn’t feeling well, Mark took her home even though he was having a good time and would have liked to stay longer. I couldn’t imagine that such a caring and considerate person would be a threat to anyone in any way. What I also see as demonstrative of his character is that he offered me a job and a place to stay when I expressed a desire to work in London over the summer, even though he hardly knew me and had no gain of his own in it. I view that as a purely altruistic action which portrays his kind heart and willingness to help a fellow in need.
From the way he described his father’s health situation, I could see that he was sincerely concerned about the suffering his father had endured, both physically and emotionally [December 2009]. You don’t need to know someone for a long time to be able to read the look in their eyes. I trust Mark.”
A friend from Mark’s gap year
A parent at Mark’s school
Mark’s ex
A friend of Mark’s girlfriend
It’s his sincere kindness that makes everybody around Mark love him. He always ensures that everyone around him is happy before concentrating on himself. I recall on SN’s birthday [November 2009] how he spent his whole day (and that literally means 9am to 5pm) running around London buying her presents, returning home out of breath with a huge bouquet of flowers and a whole box of freshly made cakes that SN could pick from, just to ensure her utmost happiness.
Additionally, Mark is extremely ambitious and entrepreneurial. Already a successful IT consultant aged only 22. In my lifetime, Mark is one of the few young males I know that has this innovative drive for success, someone who has that sparkle in his eyes that makes him unique. Mark is truly a ‘self-made man’ and losing everything he has achieved thus far would be a tragedy.
I have no doubt, nor have I ever doubted, that Mark is completely innocent. I love him like a friend, practically everything about Mark emphasises his big heart and this heart is incapable of any wrong doing towards anyone. If anything, Mark’s big heart is what allows others to use him”
A Business Client
A friend from University
Even after his arrest, it seemed there was no injustice or challenge he was not equal to. He focused more on his father’s death than on his imprisonment, though it was not lost on either of us that nothing could make it harder to grieve than being accused of the very act itself. “Life tests the worthy and the virtuous” I offered, and as always the reply was “you’re too kind”.
I see this trial as the last of many Mark has been through; the last obstacle in the way of an extraordinary man finally realising his potential. It is a disgrace that he was stopped so short in his tracks by these ridiculous accusations. Mark has so much to offer the world. We just hope he returns to us the way he was. His is a life that needs to be lived, not wasted.”
A friend from Mark’s gap year
A friend from Mark’s gap year
Mark has achieved an incredible amount at his age, having his own business and clients while doing a law degree and being such a caring son. I would often get a call from Mark saying he was meeting a client and would I like to meet him after, he would always have time for his friends even though he had such a busy life. I had lunch with him the Wednesday before his arrest [February 2010]; he was the same person I have always known.
I trust Mark with my life (I even put all my savings up to try and secure him bail), he is one of a very few of my friends who I feel comfortable enough in his presence to do or say almost anything. In the time I have known him I have never once felt anything negative toward him, or seen any other side to him than the loving, caring person I described above. The accusations are flawed based on Mark’s character alone. He is an irreplaceable friend”
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